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The Morgan Sports Car Club Holland celebrated its golden anniversary in 2022. In its early years, the club magazine Fata MORGANa was a loose leaf magazine, held together by staples.


After it had evolved into A4 size, the magazine had covers with images varying per issue. In 1978 a new, professional looking cover design appeared. This featured a very detailed 3/4 front view of a Morgan 4/4 2-seater with the hood up.


Of course, the traditional bonnet belt did not fail. This cover design was used during about a decade.


In the first two years of use, the club was still small, with a membership of around 100 persons. The quarterly magazines were then stapled by the editors, prior to distribution, with the loose covers being added manually.


When the magazine was printed professionally on A3 size paper in the early 1980s, the covers were part of the printing and stapling process. While still using the same cover design until the late 1980s, the loose covers had become history.


A few of the early, unused, covers,  printed on thick beige paper, have been unearthed. These are in excellent condition and look great in any Morgan library, or framed.


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Morgan magazine cover 1970s/1980s

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