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Forty years ago, the Morgan Motor Company still advertised its products regularly in the main British motoring magazines, such as Motor Sport, Autocar, Thoroughbred & Classic Cars and others.


A nice example of such an advert was this full page advert for the Morgan 4/4. The faithful Ford cross flow engine had just come to an end. Morgan had to find a temporary replacement in the Fiat 1600cc engine, as the engine of the same capacity by Ford was fitted transverse.


Fortunately for Morgan, a high Ford director had a 4/4 on order and due to his pressure, it appeared that fitting a 5-speed gearbox in line with a Ford XR3 engine was much easier than anticipated!


As a result, Morgan offered two engine options for a while! These are mentioned in the advert.


Nowadays, Fiat engined Morgans are a relative rarity.


All adverts are in excellent condition and are perfectly suited for framing. The text is identical in the three adverts.

For the man who thought he had everything - Morgan 4/4



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