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Prof. Dr. Peter Kirchberg was a leading figure in the world of German car makes Audi, Horch, DKW , IFA and other German car brands.


He initiated a museum for Horch and Audi, and was well respected with the German car manufacturers, up to the board. He was the authority on the history of these famous German car makes.


His 200-pages hard cover work is the standard work about the history of Horch, Audi, DKW and IFA. It is written in German and printed on high quality paper.


A must for any devotee to these car makes.


One copy only. Although the book dates from 1991, it is in pristine condition.

Horch - Audi - DKW - IFA: 80 Jahre Geschichte der Autos aus Zwickau



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  • 3-344-70708-8

  • 275 x 245 mm. Hard cover.

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