About MorganCarBadges.com
Anything you want to find about -mainly- Morgan car badges, Morgan car history you can find through this site.
The assortment is not limited to car badges, but also features light items, like pins, patches, key fobs, while also a good selection of books and sales literature is available.
Occasionally scale models, or other kinds of memorabilia are added, with regard to many other car brands.
Whether you spot the item you have wanted for so long, need assistance in adding other items to your collection, or want to sell items, we are always happy to assist.
The same goes for helping to find a good home for badges you have to dispose of, for whatever reason. Good advice is free!
Also, if you, or the centre, or club you belong to want to issue a car badge, a pin badge, a patch, special printed items, or perhaps even a combination of these, but don't know exactly how to tackle this, we'll be happy to be of assistance and take our part of the tasks out of your hands.
We also sell items or complete collections in commission.
Every person, club, company, whether car related or not, wishing to have custom-made regalia (badges, pins, patches, key fobs or anything else) is invited to Contact Us
Goods can be made to your own design, or be designed in-house.
That doesn't limit itself to Morgan only. ANY car-minded organisation, sports club or company is welcome.
What we DON'T DO is selling goods for big organizations, located elsewhere, of which we don't take stock ourselves. Dropshipping is not our kind of thing. Also, we take pride in selling GENUINE goods solely, no reproductions.
In addition, we have a growing selection of other Morgan regalia, such as mouth masks, coasters, beer mats, sales literature, Morgan Factory adverts, handbooks, pins, patches, etc.
Sales literature and books about Morgan are in stock. The variety is such that you'd best enquire if you need anything specific.
Our stock is constantly changing, while many items sold don't even make it to our site, due to people using our search service. If you want to join their ranks, sign up for this!
Join the club and discounts and exclusive offers! Choose your memvbership plan and get access to the Members Only page of the shop
Payments can be done in several ways:
online at check out from the site, by credit card, through STRIPE.
This also includes American Express cards. -
offline per bank transfer in EUR. Please contact us first;
in the Netherlands IDEAL payments can be made;
for Dutch buyers also payment by means of the WhatsApp service Tikkie is an option.
Very effective is an OFFLINE payment by means of "Wise". This is a bank, which uses VERY low rates, while the buyer can pay by by transferring from his/her own bank account or by means of credit card.
Payment can be done in either EUR or GBP. Please contact us first, to receive detailed instructions for your first payment.
By PayPal. You can choose this option on the website, or by scanning the payment link below.
When collecting items personally, cash payment is another option.
Contact us through:
Company name: Car History Info
Company owner: Mr. Hermen Pol
Company address: Het Veer 129, 1633 HD Avenhorn, Netherlands
Chamber of commerce: Alkmaar 61303526
EORI number: NL8192410655
VAT number: NL001200290B62

A selection of our services:Â
Purchasing, designing, selling pins, patches and other types of regalia, both car and non-car related;
Purchasing collections of Morgan regalia;
Designing/ selling new badges;
Selling collections of Morgan regalia in commission;
Locating badges wanted by clients;
Providing historical services re Morgan cars.
A Warning About Purchasing Badges
Car badges are of all times, shapes, sizes, materials and values. Once a person is caught by the car badge bug, it is difficult to say no. How far does one -want to- go?
Do you limit yourself to one car make, one club, a series of events, etc? Or does one go for "everything"? That is of course for any individual to decide.
This website is largely devoted to car badges related to the Morgan sports car, though car badges of other car makes and institutions will also be available.
Collecting ANY kind of objects -also car badges- is full of traps. Because many older, or rare, badges have become very valuable, it has become attractive for various firms to offer counterfeit (fake) items, which look like the real thing, but on closer inspection are not. Particularly beware for items produced in India.
Here you will only find the real thing, preferably in (very) good condition. Lesser items are not really considered, unless somebody is in dire need of one and also accepts items that need work.
Happy hunting!